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5 January 2016

Jarvis at PPG Canalside this Saturday

Commercial Director Sean Jarvis will be the special guest at Saturday's PPG Canalside question and answer session ahead of the Emirates FA Cup game against Reading.
Sean will answer your questions from 12.30pm for about an hour in the Radcliffe Suite at Town's PPG Canalside training complex.

The question and answer session – hosted by Town’s Match Day Announcer Paul Ramsden - is free for members and £2 for non-members on the door. Food and bar service starts from noon (last food orders at 2.30pm), so get down early!

PPG Canalside is the ideal pre-match venue Saturday.
There is ample car parking (£4 per car for non-members) and an easy 15 minute walk to the John Smith's Stadium. Entry is £2 per adult (non-members). To join PPG Canalside as a member cost £20 for the year - you can join on Saturday!

Food and refreshment service starts at noon (last orders for food is 2.30pm). Match day food available includes Meat & Potato Pie (£4.95), Hot Beef Sandwich (£3.50) and Chilli Nachos (£4.25).

Real Ales include Theakston's Lightfoot and Timothy Taylor's Landlord. There are special offers on four pint pitchers of John Smith's Smooth (£8.50), Fosters (£9.50), Heineken (£10.50) and Rekorderlig (£11.50). Draught Strongbow is also available.

Post-match, the bar is still open so why not come in for a coffee or tea (for the driver) and catch up with the results on Sky Sports News whilst the traffic eases?

PPG Canalside the ideal venue to meet up!

Entry to the game is cash at the turnstiles; £10 for adults, £8 for seniors and just £5 for under-18s



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